pomerol  2.1
Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Pomerol::LatticePresets Namespace Reference

This namespace encloses factory functions for various terms most commonly used to write a lattice Hamiltonian. More...


using RealExpr = Operators::expression< RealType, std::string, unsigned short, spin >
using ComplexExpr = Operators::expression< ComplexType, std::string, unsigned short, spin >


enum  spin : short { undef = -1, down = 0, up = 1 }
 Possible values of spin-1/2 z-projection. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, spin s)
RealExpr Level (std::string const &Label, RealType Eps, unsigned short Orbital, spin Spin)
ComplexExpr Level (std::string const &Label, ComplexType Eps, unsigned short Orbital, spin Spin)
RealExpr Level (std::string const &Label, RealType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
ComplexExpr Level (std::string const &Label, ComplexType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
RealExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType t, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1, spin Spin2)
ComplexExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType t, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1, spin Spin2)
RealExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType t, unsigned short Orbital, spin Spin)
ComplexExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType t, unsigned short Orbital, spin Spin)
RealExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType t, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2)
ComplexExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType t, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2)
RealExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType t, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
ComplexExpr Hopping (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType t, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
RealExpr Magnetization (std::string const &Label, RealType H, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
ComplexExpr Magnetization (std::string const &Label, ComplexType H, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
RealExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType U, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1, spin Spin2)
ComplexExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType U, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1, spin Spin2)
RealExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label, RealType U, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1, spin Spin2)
ComplexExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label, ComplexType U, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1, spin Spin2)
RealExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label, RealType U, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2)
ComplexExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label, ComplexType U, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2)
RealExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label, RealType U, unsigned short Orbital, spin Spin1=up, spin Spin2=down)
ComplexExpr NupNdown (std::string const &Label, ComplexType U, unsigned short Orbital, spin Spin1=up, spin Spin2=down)
RealExpr Spinflip (std::string const &Label, RealType J, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1=up, spin Spin2=down)
ComplexExpr Spinflip (std::string const &Label, ComplexType J, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1=up, spin Spin2=down)
RealExpr PairHopping (std::string const &Label, RealType J, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1=up, spin Spin2=down)
ComplexExpr PairHopping (std::string const &Label, ComplexType J, unsigned short Orbital1, unsigned short Orbital2, spin Spin1=up, spin Spin2=down)
RealExpr SplusSminus (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType J, unsigned short Orbital)
ComplexExpr SplusSminus (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType J, unsigned short Orbital)
RealExpr SminusSplus (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType J, unsigned short Orbital)
ComplexExpr SminusSplus (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType J, unsigned short Orbital)
RealExpr SzSz (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType J, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
ComplexExpr SzSz (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType J, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
RealExpr SS (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, RealType J, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
ComplexExpr SS (std::string const &Label1, std::string const &Label2, ComplexType J, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
RealExpr CoulombS (std::string const &Label, RealType U, RealType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
ComplexExpr CoulombS (std::string const &Label, ComplexType U, ComplexType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=1)
RealExpr CoulombP (std::string const &Label, RealType U, RealType U_p, RealType J, RealType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=3)
ComplexExpr CoulombP (std::string const &Label, ComplexType U, ComplexType U_p, ComplexType J, ComplexType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=3)
RealExpr CoulombP (std::string const &Label, RealType U, RealType J, RealType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=3)
ComplexExpr CoulombP (std::string const &Label, ComplexType U, ComplexType J, ComplexType Eps, unsigned short NOrbitals=3)
RealExpr BosonLevel (std::string const &Label, RealType Eps, unsigned short ExtraIndex)
ComplexExpr BosonLevel (std::string const &Label, ComplexType Eps, unsigned short ExtraIndex)
RealExpr BosonInteraction (std::string const &Label, RealType U, unsigned short ExtraIndex)
ComplexExpr BosonInteraction (std::string const &Label, ComplexType U, unsigned short ExtraIndex)
RealExpr HolsteinInteraction (std::string const &Label, RealType Lambda, unsigned short Orbital, unsigned short BosonExtraIndex)
ComplexExpr HolsteinInteraction (std::string const &Label, ComplexType Lambda, unsigned short Orbital, unsigned short BosonExtraIndex)

Detailed Description

This namespace encloses factory functions for various terms most commonly used to write a lattice Hamiltonian.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ComplexExpr

using Pomerol::LatticePresets::ComplexExpr = typedef Operators::expression<ComplexType, std::string, unsigned short, spin>

Complex-valued expression built out of lattice creation/annihilation operators. Each operator in the expression carries a site name label (a string index), an integer orbital index and a spin index.

Definition at line 50 of file LatticePresets.hpp.

◆ RealExpr

using Pomerol::LatticePresets::RealExpr = typedef Operators::expression<RealType, std::string, unsigned short, spin>

Real-valued expression built out of lattice creation/annihilation operators. Each operator in the expression carries a site name label (a string index), an integer orbital index and a spin index.

Definition at line 46 of file LatticePresets.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ spin

Possible values of spin-1/2 z-projection.


Undefined (useful for bosonic degrees of freedom)


Spin down.


Spin up.

Definition at line 31 of file LatticePresets.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& Pomerol::LatticePresets::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
spin  s 

Output stream insertion operator for the spin projection values.

[out]osOutput stream.
[in]sSpin projection to be inserted.
Reference to the output stream.